What do I want? Who do I hope to be? If there was a 'greatest hits' of my life of all the small details that make a day work and all the wisest big picture perceptions about how life could and should be - what would it look like?
What are the issues which exist in my life? What gets in the way of the 'best stuff' above making it into the day more fully and regularly?
meMap helps you answer the 2 questions above and gain increasing clarity about what DOES drive your life and what COULD BE driving your life. The App brings that clarity of thought to life in your mobile device. This keeps your smartest and most inspiring perceptions right at the heart of the day - rather than lost in the hustle and bustle of daily living.
Neuroscience demonstrates that your brain is designed for change. meMap offers tools and techniques to show and teach your brain how you'd like to be. Don't half be the person you hope to be, or go through days only half alive. Live fully, live fulfilled, it's not a rehearsal after all.
Or put another way: "we are convinced that if your take a little time to clarify the kind of person you would like to be and the kind of days you would like to live, and take a little time to spell out what happens to get in the way of days actually being like that, our App can take you a lot of the way from wherever you are to where you want to be"
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To get meMap 'Stress Stuff to Best Stuff' the link for your Android device is: Google play store
MEMap is grateful for the generous support of:
Relaxation audio was written and produced, and very kindly donated to the
project, by Linda Hall. She does great work. Click the logo for a link to Linda's Support Programme for
chronic illnesses.