Frequently asked questions

View the MEMap App Help listings here

MEMap on other devices

Can I get MEMap on my iphone?
Sorry not at this point. An iphone App would need funds we do not have. We intend to assess what users feel about the first version of MEMap and plan from there.
Do I need an Android device?
Yes but without one you are free to use the info on this website to inform your approach to recovery.

The website Config Journey

Why are my anwers not saving?
Take the browser tests on the Config intro page of the Config Journey. If your browser does not 'pass' the test, you need to change your settings or use another browser.
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MEMap as a communication tool

How do I do this?
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Using the App

Adding or removing the Stop Process from my App
Choose 'Configure App' from the top right menu of the App and select 'Without web pin'. Press OK then keep pressing NEXT until you see the title 'Interrupting arousal, illness, anything'. Press 'No' to remove or 'Yes' to add. Then press SAVE & EXIT, navigate away from the home screen (Wellness Map) of the App, then navigate back to it to complete the change.
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Technical issues with the App

My App will not open, it crashes. What is happening?
We have not seen this but just in case it happens... unfortunately you will probably need to remove all of your MEMap data to fix this. Sorry! On your device do this by following a path similar to this: Settings > Storage > Phone storage > Apps > MEMap > Clear data.
My Bubbles or Frames are behaving strangely??
Press back straight away and reopen MEMap if this happens.