Before clicking Register you must enter a username, password and your code. And tick to confirm you read the t & c s.
Either your retyped username or retyped password did not match your original entry.
Use this
page to register for MEMap online services. If you are able to make a small donation to keep MEMap running,
please click on the
'Pay Now' PayPal button below and pay a few UK pounds. You don't need to be a Paypal user. Your payment is
completely secure.
Please do take great care to enter your full email address accurately. You will then be sent a registration
code by email (this
may take a day or so). Use the registration code at the bottom of this page: select a very short username and
password you can easily remember,
click Register, and you are done. Your registration will remain valid until at least March 2022. We may email
you at that point.
We do not keep your financial details, and we have no capacity to take further monies from you. If you want to
register without
making a payment just email us at [email protected] to receive a registration code. You can always make a
donation later if you find the App helpful.
If you wish to donate to the MEMap initiative (thank you!) Please click Pay Now, select the amount you
wish to donate and
be sure to include a note saying you do not require a registration code.
MEMap is a better tool if you register and take the Config Journey. If making a donation to register is a deal breaker for you, simply email us instead!
Let's start with privacy. As a patient-led initiative we have no interest in seeing or
using your data, or offering it to any third parties. We do not use cookies or track you navigation. We will
contact you by email only rarely: to notify you about key developments and the end of your registration period.
We never have access to your financial details (only PayPal does) and do not require personal info like
phone numbers, address or DOB. Your email address is stored on a completely separate system in a separate
location from your username and password. Any of your MEMap communications which pass through our server are
therefore not associated with your email address or you. Please note that due to the financial losses we
experience we are not currently purchasing SSL for the memap domain.
Please choose a very short easy-to-type username and password (recommended less than 7 characters). It is important that you choose things that you will effectively remember or can keep a record of - MEMap does not have a service to reset usernames and passwords. Your password will be encrypted and invisible to us. Since MEMap/meMap involves details of your 'inner world' a more anonymous username might offer an added layer of security that using your own name doesn't offer.
The username you want:
Please retype this username:
The password you want:
Please retype this password:
Code you purchased: