MEMap App Help listings

Wellness Map Help

Add/Change tag

Hashtags (#) can be added to Bubbles in your Outbox. When Outbox is visible press Edit, 'select Add/Change Bubble tag', then press OK. Either select an item from the dropdown box. Or check the relevant box and type your own tag. Press OK. The tag will appear at the front of the Bubble explanation. People who send you Bubbles may add hashtags to the Bubbles visible in your Inbox. These tags will be removed when you copy Inbox Bubbles to your own Bubbles. But they will remain added to Bubbles copied to Outbox.

Add/remove Stop Process

Choose 'Configure App' from the menu and select 'Without web pin'. Press OK then keep pressing NEXT until you see the title 'Interrupting arousal, illness, anything'. Check No to remove or Yes to add. Then press SAVE & EXIT, navigate away from the home screen (Wellness Map), then navigate back to it. To view text explaining the thinking behind each Bubble, press the Button at the bottom right of the screen and select 'Bubble explanations'. Then press any Button to highlight it and see its explanation. You may need to scroll up to the start of the explanation. Drag Bubbles around the screen to organise them into whatever logical groupings suit you.

Bubbles: explanations and organisation

To view text explaining the thinking behind each Bubble, press the Button at the bottom right of the screen and select 'Bubble explanations'. Then press any Button to highlight it and see its explanation. You may need to scroll up to the start of the explanation. Drag Bubbles around the screen to organise them into whatever logical groupings suit you.

Choose photo from album (MENU)

This option allows you to add your own photos to the Wellness Map to help facilitate visualisation or create reminders of past health or inspiring times, places or people. Select the menu item and check the box of the photo you want to replace. Press OK. Your device will then probably offer you the opportunity to choose from a collection of photos on your device: take an option and select one of the photos within that collection. The selected photo will then be added to your App. If you are unsure which is the First, Second and Third photo, close the Wellness Map and reopen it. The First is the one visible when you select Photos using the Button at the bottom right of the screen. The Second will become visible after you touch the first photo, etc. You may need to download or transfer appropriate photos to your device so that they can then be added to MEMap.

Close keyboard

If the keyboard is obscuring the screen at any time, press the back button on your device once to close it.

Configure App (MENU)

This option allows you to Configure MEMap after you have a)taken the Config Journey on the website (check 'Web journey pin'), or b) via a simplistic in-App configuration (check 'Without web pin'). Then press OK. If you checked option 'a' you will then be asked for the pin provided by your website Config Journey, and your username and password. If you do not have these details, check out the Register and Getting started pages on the website. If you want to keep the Bubbles and Frames you have already entered into your App, checking 'Only configure ME Buddy' will match the ME Buddy example in your App with the categories you selected during your Config Journey. Once you have completed all the information in the 'Config details' popup, press OK. Please do not navigate away from your App while the config process completes its stages. If you originally checked option 'b', press OK. You will then be asked whether you want to opt into any of 30 different categories. For richer info than that displayed on the popup for each category, the website Config Journey has the same categories. You can SAVE & EXIT at any point and complete the process later. You are strongly advised to choose only the categories which speak to you most - ideally less than 10. Each category you choose means that at some point you will need to type your thinking into your device. When you get to the 'Confirm configuration' popup you can avoid this typing by checking config Buddy only. This will match the ME Buddy example in your App with the categories you selected (and will not overwrite any Bubbles and Frames you have) - as in 'a' above. Option 3 on the 'Confirm configuration' popup is for people who are already using MEMap and want to add new categories to the end of their Frames. Here, any categories you change from 'No' to 'Yes' will be added to your Frames. Your existing Frames will not be affected. Once you have checked the option you require on the 'Confirm configuration' popup, press OK.

Copy/Copy Button

To copy your own Bubbles to Outbox, the Copy Button will not be visible. Instead press Edit, select 'Copy Bubble to Outbox' and press OK. When the Copy Button IS visible, press it. Then select 'Copy now' to send the highlighted Bubble to the same part of the screen in your own Bubbles or Outbox. Or select 'Build copy list' to add the highlighted Bubble to a list of Bubbles you want to copy together. Then press OK. When your list is complete, navigate to your own Frames or Outbox to confirm where you want your copy list to end up. Outbox Bubbles cannot be copied.

Delete Bubbles

When your own Bubbles or Outbox are visible, to delete a Bubble press it to highlight it, then press EDIT. Check 'Delete Bubble(s)' then press OK. You can then choose to either delete that Bubble or the whole screen. When Inbox Bubbles are visible press DELETE. You can then choose to either delete that Bubble or the whole screen. Example Bubbles cannot be deleted.

Download Bubbles (MENU)

To download Bubbles you must have a pin provided by their sender. Or a pin from when you sent Bubbles to yourself to back them up. If you do not know the pin, complete the details on the Info popup, but use the username of the sender instead of a pin and check the box 'Use Sender username not pin'. Then press OK to see a list of recent Bubbles sent to you by this user. When you ultimately press OK to download Bubbles associated with a specific pin, choose to either add the downloaded Bubbles to your inbox, or replace any Bubbles already in the Inbox on the 'Add or replace' popup. Press OK. You will then be asked for a name to tag to the Bubble explanation of the Bubbles sent to you. Eg the name or username of the sender. Then press OK. Wait for a fail message, or a success message telling you where the Bubbles can be viewed. If you do not have a username and password, no-one could have sent you Bubbles yet.

Edit Button

Use this Button to change any of the details of one of your own Bubbles or an Outbox Bubble. Highlight the Bubble and press EDIT. In the text box on the 'Edit Bubble' popup check an option - either 'Bubble explanation' or 'Caption', then type into the text box. Press OK when you are done. You can only edit the Explanation OR the Caption at any one visit to the popup. Press EDIT to repeat the process if you need to edit both the Explanation and Caption. The other EDIT options visible are described in the Help listings: Add/Change tags, Copy/Copy Button and Delete Bubbles.

Guide Button

This Button (which displays the currently visible tab - eg Guide) controls what info is visible in the tab in the bottom part of the screen. Press it and select an option to change the view. You can view a short Guide to the MEMap App, Photos that come with the App which you can replace, a short guide to ME visualisation, a short guide to utilising MEMap beyond ME, the explanations and thinking behind your Bubbles, and (unless it has been configured out of your App) a short guide to the Stop Process.


The Inbox contains all Bubbles you have downloaded using the Download menu option (not any that may have been added to your App by configuration). Each new Download of Bubbles appears in a group at the top left. Bubbles that were previously in the top left are shifted to the right. You can drag the Bubbles to the position of your choice. When the Bubble explanations tab is visible, the name (@) you chose to indicate who sent any Bubble is tagged to the start of the explanation - along with any subject Hashtag (#)added by the sender. Your Inbox is not designed to hold more that 20 items - though it will, temporarily. Delete Bubbles once you are done with them.

New Button

Press NEW to create a new Bubble. Then type a short caption for your new Bubble and check what type of Bubble it is: Feelings/sensations you want to describe, Thoughts, something related to Sound (inspiring music, voices, nature) and Visual things like places or times you looked wonderfully well. There is no hard and fast rule: sometimes a Bubble could be of more than 1 type - make a quick choice, or build the full picture of what you are describing using more than 1 Bubble. Press OK then write a few words in the Edit Bubble popup which appears explaining what this Bubble does for you and what it means to you - so you bring it to life for yourself at any point in the future. While doing this ensure that 'Set text describing Bubble' remains the checked item. Then press OK. Your new Bubble will appear at then top left of the screen. Drag it to wherever you like.


The Outbox is where you assemble Bubbles to send to others. Either copy Bubbles here from other sets of Bubbles in your App, or create new Bubbles directly in Outbox. If someone has sent Bubbles to you, you may want to copy those to Outbox to edit them, give your replies and keep the conversation going. Please note that each Bubble explanation can only contain 600 characters. See the Help listing 'Send Bubbles' for how to send Bubbles from Outbox.

Photos, Visualisation, Guide tab

When a photo is visible, press it to move to the next photo. When other tabs are visible, swipe to see the next slide (except for Bubble explanations, which change when you touch the matching Bubble). Tabs with slides reset to the first slide once you change tab or navigate to the Reframe Map, Audio Guides or Help.


Pins are generated by our server when you complete the Config Journey or send Bubbles. Pins are only displayed once, so note them immediately. Pins are reusable until they go out of date. So if an operation does not work first time you can try again.

Replace Bubbles with Example/Inbox (MENU)

MEMap is designed to use any Bubbles you find useful as your own. Sometimes you may wish to use a whole set someone has sent you, or start using MEMap by adapting the Example Bubbles for your own use. This menu option will overwrite your own Bubbles. Press 'Replace Bubbles with Example/Inbox', check your choice and press OK to successfully replace your Bubbles.

Restore recent back up (MENU)

It is important to understand this menu option. Every few cycles your Wellness Map is opened, a back up of your Bubbles is created. This means that if you select and use the Restore option your Bubbles will be permanently replaced by a 'fairly recent' back up. So if you use the Restore option at the wrong point you may actually lose Bubbles you created in the last couple of times you used MEMap. Therefore: only use the Restore option if you have experienced a meaningful loss of data, or if you have not meaningfully changed your Bubbles recently. If you drop your phone or something, you will likely get a message indicating that Bubbles may have been lost (this is a safety switch, Bubbles will probably be fine). When this happens no new backup will happen until you act. Check your Bubbles. Do make sure you are looking at your own Bubbles, not Outbox, Inbox etc. If they look ok apart from any changes made in the last hour or so, DO NOT choose to restore Bubbles. Press NO THANKS. If you feel there has been a significant loss of Bubbles beyond any you have created or edited in your last couple of sessions - this is the time to select the Restore recent backup option and press RESTORE. The restore is irreversible. If in doubt send your Bubbles to yourself before restoring. If you lose Bubbles and see no message saying there is a problem, the normal backup cycle will stay in place. Here, you should make a prompt decision about restoring. Since backup is done every few cycles, the backup Bubbles will eventually be overwritten and unavailable to you.

Save items

MEMap saves your entries as you go along. There is no need to save. There is also a backup for when things go wrong. But if your Bubbles contain info which is important to you, it is important to occasionally send them to your MEMap username as back up. We can provide no 100% guarantees about storing info for you. Email Bubbles to yourself to back up with full confidence. (See Help listing Send Bubbles).

Send Bubbles

To send Bubbles first make your Outbox visible by pressing the menu option 'Show Bubbles Outbox'. If the Bubbles you want to send are currently visible in Outbox, or if you want to send all of your own Bubbles, press where indicated at the top of the Outbox screen. If you want to reply to Bubbles currently in your Inbox or send your own Bubbles, you will first need to navigate to their location to copy them to Outbox (see Help listing Copy/Copy Bubbles). When you have pressed where indicated at the top of the Outbox screen, there are four options. The Post options send Bubbles to another MEMap user or save them to your own MEMap account. The Email options will attempt to open an email App on your device to send text about the Bubbles as an email. Please ensure you select your usual email App. 'Post all' or 'Email all' means send all of 'your own' Bubbles from the main screen of MEMap. To use the Post options, check the box to indicate whether you are sending Outbox or ALL of your own Bubbles, and press OK. On the 'Send to MEMap user' popup, add your username and password and the MEMap username of the intended recipient. Then press OK. If the action succeeds, note the pin immediately - you will not be able to access this again. Your Bubbles are sent! Give the pin to the recipient so they can download them. To use the Email options, check the box to indicate whether you are sending Outbox or ALL of your own Bubbles. And press OK. Your email App will appear in its normal format (possibly after you have selected it from a choice of email Apps). Add the email address of the intended recipient as usual and send the email.

Show Bubbles Inbox (MENU)

This option makes your Inbox and any Bubbles in it visible.

Show Bubbles Outbox (MENU)

This option makes your Bubbles Outbox and any Bubbles in it visible. You can only send Bubbles from Outbox.

Show Buddy/Example Bubbles (MENU)

This option allows you to check then view your ME Buddy Bubbles or a set of Real world Bubbles. The Buddy Bubbles directly match any Bubbles you may have included as your own Bubbles during config AT They offer a simple example of how those config Bubbles can play out. The Real world Bubbles move away from the concepts used for the config Bubbles to give a flavour of how any one individual's Bubbles could ultimately look.

Show your Bubbles (MENU)

This option takes you back to your own Bubbles.

Take photo of current screen (MENU)

On most devices this option will add a photo of the screen currently visible to your device's gallery or album. The photo title will have the format: WELLNESS_MAP_date_time . The photo may not appear at the front of your gallery or album until after you switch your device off.


Reframe Map Help

Add/Change tag

Hashtags (#) can be added to Frames in your Outbox. Each tag will be added to both the Frame and Reframe. When Outbox is visible long press any Frame, check 'Add/Change Frame tag', then press OK. Either select an item from the dropdown box. Or check 'Or use my own tag' and type your tag. Press OK. People who send you Frames may add hashtags to the Frames visible in your Sender Frames. These tags will be removed when you copy Sender Frames from to your own Frames. But they will remain added to Frames copied to Outbox.

Black headings, red headings

The colour of the heading for a Frame in 'your own' Frames or Outbox indicates whether pressing that heading offers further linked information. A red heading indicates no linked info. Pressing a black heading will either scroll through the subject area and Buddy example for that Frame, the Frames/Reframes (depending on which was initially visible) of Sender items sent to you on the same subject, or both.

Close keyboard

If the keyboard is obscuring the screen at any time, press the back button on your device once to close it.

Copy Frames

To copy your own Frames to Outbox, long press a Frame, check 'Copy Frame to Outbox', and press OK. The Frame will be visible in your Outbox next time you visit. To copy a Sender or Buddy Frame to your own Frames or to Outbox, long press the Frame. Check 'Copy now', press OK, then check 'Your own Frames' or 'Outbox' as the destination and press OK. You will be taken to your chosen copy destination, and the copied Frame will be there. To copy multiple Sender or Buddy Frames to your own Frames or to Outbox, long press the first Frame to be copied. Check 'Build copy list' and press OK. Repeat for the other Frames to be copied. You can build your copy list from multiple Sender/Buddy locations. When you or done, select the menu option 'Show your own Frames' to copy to that destination. Or select 'Show Frames Outbox' to copy to Outbox. Press OK when asked if you want to add the copy list you built to that destination.

Delete Frames

To delete any Frame long press it (you cannot directly delete Buddy Frames). When Your own Frames or Outbox are visible, check 'Delete, re-position Frames(s)' and press OK. Then check the delete option you want. When Sender Frames are visible, check either 'Delete Frame and text' or 'Delete all this Sender's Frames', and press OK.

Download Frames (MENU)

To download Frames using the Download Frames menu option you must have a pin provided by their sender. Or a pin from when you sent Frames to yourself to back them up. If you do not know the pin, complete the details on the Info popup, but use the username of the sender instead of a pin and check the box 'Use Sender username not pin'. Then press OK to see a list of recent Frames sent to you by this user. (check out the Register page on the MEMap website). When you ultimately press OK to download Frames associated with a specific pin, check an option to add the downloaded Frames to a new or existing location. Press ADD TO to add the downloaded Frames to the Frames that already exist in that location. Or REPLACE to replace them with the Frames you are downloading. You will then be asked to add, confirm or edit a name for that location. This name should normally indicate who the sender was. Press OK. Wait for a fail message or a success message telling you where the Frames can be viewed (you will then need to press the blue button at the top left of the screen until you see the title for the location you named). If you do not have a username and password, no-one could have sent you Frames yet.

Edit Frames

To edit any Frame long press it (you cannot edit Buddy or Sender Frames). Ensure you have checked 'Set text to Reframe issue' if you want to edit the Reframe. Or checked 'Set text describing issue' to edit the Frame. Then touch the input box to activate the keyboard. When finished press OK. You cannot edit the heading for a Frame.

Frame heading animation speed (MENU)

When your own Frames or Outbox Frames are visible, if a Frame has a heading in black font, pressing that heading will animate through other information or conversations related to that heading. To make the animation slower or faster, select this menu option and drag the slider that appears left to slow the animation, and right to speed it up. Then press OK.

Framing strategies

Framing strategies are App-sized quick tips on how to clearly identify issues and symptoms, and on approaches to help resolve them. They can be viewed by pressing the blue framed text at the top of the Reframe Map. Swipe a strategy left to go to the next one. Framing strategies are not available when the Frames Outbox is visible.

Move Frames up/down

When your own Frames or Outbox Frames are visible, any Frame can be re-positioned in the group. Long press the Frame, check 'Delete, re-position Frame(s)' and press OK. Check 'Re-position Frame'. Then press the arrow to select how many places up or down you wish to move the Frame. To complete the operation, press MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN. The first Thoughts box in a group of Frames will always be automatically moved to the top of the group. If you are determined to move this Thoughts box further down, the only option is to create another Thoughts box and move it to the top of the group using the technique just explained. Your original Thoughts box can then be moved wherever you want.

New Frame Button

This creates a new Frame or Thoughts box. If you want a Thoughts box, check 'Make it a Thoughts box', type your thoughts then press NEXT. If you want a Frame, describe the issue or symptom in the input box which appears. Press NEXT. Type a subject heading for the Frame (this cannot be altered or added later). Then press DONE if you are not ready to add the Reframe. Or ADD TEXT FOR REFRAME TOO to add ideas for a Reframe in the input box which appears. As you do this, ensure the checked option remains the top one. Once your Reframe is entered, press OK.


The Outbox is where you assemble Frames to send to others. Either copy Frames here from other sets of Frames in your App, or create new Frames directly in Outbox. If someone has sent Frames to you, you may want to copy those to Outbox to edit them, give your replies and keep the conversation going. Please note that each Frame or Reframe can only contain 700 characters. See the Help listing Send Frames for how to send Frames from Outbox.


Pins are generated by our server when you send Frames. Pins are only displayed once, so note them immediately. Pins are reusable until they go out of date. So if an operation does not work first time you can try again.

Replace Frames with Buddy/Sender (MENU)

MEMap is designed to use any Frames you like as your own. Sometimes you may wish to use a whole set someone has sent you, or start using MEMap by adapting Buddy or Sender Frames for your own use. This will overwrite your own Frames. Press 'Replace Frames with Buddy/Sender' and press OK. Check the set you wish to use, and press OK.

Restore recent back up (MENU)

It is important to understand this menu option. Every few cycles your Reframe Map is opened, a back up of your Frames is created. This means that if you select and use the Restore option your Frames will be permanently replaced by a 'fairly recent' back up. So if you use the Restore option at the wrong point you may actually lose Frames you created in the last couple of times you used MEMap. Therefore: only use the Restore option if you have experienced a meaningful loss of data, or if you have not meaningfully changed your Frames recently. If you drop your phone or something, you will likely get a message indicating that Frames may have been lost (this is a safety switch, Frames will probably be fine). When this happens no new backup will happen until you act. Check your Frames. Do make sure you are looking at your own Frames, not Outbox, Examples or Sender items. If they look ok apart from any changes made in the last hour or so, DO NOT choose to restore Frames. Press NO THANKS. If you feel there has been a significant loss of Frames beyond any you have created or edited in your last couple of sessions - this is the time to select the 'Restore recent backup' option and press RESTORE. The restore is irreversible. If in doubt send or email your Frames to yourself before restoring. If you lose Frames and see no message saying there is a problem, the normal backup cycle will stay in place. Here, you should make a prompt decision about restoring . Since backup is done every few cycles, the backup Frames will eventually be overwritten and unavailable to you.

Send Frames

To send Frames first make your Outbox visible by pressing the menu option Show Frames Outbox. If the Frames you want to send are currently visible in Outbox, or if you want to send all of your own Frames, press where indicated at the top of the screen. If you want to reply to Frames currently in your Sender Frames, or send your own Frames, you will first need to navigate to their location to copy them to Outbox (see Help listing Copy/Copy Frames). Once you have pressed where indicated at the top of the Outbox screen, there are four options. The Post options send Frames to another MEMap user or save them to your own account. The Email options will attempt to open an email App on your device to send text about the Frames as an email. Please ensure you select your usual email App. 'Post all' or 'Email all' means send all of 'your own' Frames from the main screen of the Reframe Map. To use the Post options, check the box to indicate whether you are sending Outbox or ALL of your own Frames, and press OK. On the 'Send to MEMap user' popup, add your username and password and the MEMap username of the intended recipient. Then press OK. If the action succeeds, note the pin immediately - you will not be able to access this again. Your Frames are sent! Give the pin to the recipient so they can download them. To use the Email options, check the box to indicate whether you are sending Outbox or ALL of your own Frames. Press OK. Your email App will appear in its normal format (possibly after you have selected it from a choice of email Apps). Add the email address of the intended recipient as usual and send the email.

Sender Frames

These are the Frames others have sent and you have downloaded. You can name and store up to 3 sets of Sender Frames. You can download and add more Frames to each set. No set should grow beyond 30 Frames. You can delete and copy Sender Frames. Long press any Frame to do this. But you cannot edit them.

Show Frames Outbox (MENU)

This option makes your Frames Outbox and any Frames in it visible. You can only send Frames from Outbox.

Show Buddy/Sender Frames (MENU)

This option allows you to view any ME Buddy Frames you have or view sets of Frames sent to you which you downloaded and stored. After you select this menu option, the button at the top left of the screen will display the name of the next set (if any) of Frames available to view. The red heading indicates the set currently being displayed.

Show your Frames (MENU)

This option takes you back to your own Frames.

Sync Buddy/Your Frames (MENU)

This option tidies up your ME Buddy Frames so that any matches for the heading or subject area of your own Frames are included in your Buddy set. Frames in the existing Buddy set that do not have a match with any of your own Frames will be removed.

Thoughts box

A Frame and its Reframe is a limited way to represent issues you are tackling. When you create a new Frame using NEW FRAME there is an option to 'Make it a Thoughts box' Checking this option creates an expandable box -instead of a Frame - for any thoughts or miscellaneous kinds of info you need to get written down. It may be useful for communicating with others, eg describing the purpose of the set of Frames you are sending. In your own Frames and Outbox, the first Thoughts box you create will ultimately rise to the top of the Frames on the screen. You cannot prevent this. Subsequent Thoughts boxes will take their natural order in the Reframe Map. If you are determined to move a Thoughts box that is at the top of your Frames, create a second Thoughts box, then move it (see Help listing Move Frames up/down) to the top of your Frames. The original Thoughts box can then be moved up and down using the same technique.

Using the web site

The website is the companion web presence to the MEMap App. As well using the website Config Journey to configure the App, you can consult it at any time to look at deeper descriptions of the 30 categories which underly configuration of the Reframe Map. To add any category to your App without sending it from the website, simply press NEW FRAME. Then press NEXT. Then add the number of the category (eg 14) you want to add from the Config Journey as the Heading/label for the Frame (with no punctuation or other numbers or words). Press DONE and an empty Frame loaded with the relevant Buddy example, subject area, heading and input box hints will be added to your Reframe Map.