The MEMap App for your Android device is available here: Google play store
Some quick health warnings:- The MEMap App or website intends NO recommendation that PWME increase their activity levels - or refrain from seeking and following the advice of fully qualified medical practitioners. The ME community is a diverse one: no sentence written or thought conveyed in this project necessarily says anything about the history or experience of any one individual with ME. We have struggled during the project to reconcile, on one hand, the needs of ME recoverers who felt they had to bypass a lot of negative info about ME to nurture belief that they would recover - and on the other hand, the need of those facing severe difficulties with ME to have the depth of the challenges they face fully recognised and dignified. After long experience of ME we simply believe that both truths do and should coexist. The ME optimists have solid evidence to think they can succeed. And we know PWME who have the most profoundly challenging lives which no App should claim to be able to resolve..
Relaxation audio was written and produced, and very kindly donated to the
project, by Linda Hall. Her understanding of ME and generosity towards those who experience it very much
informs her great work. Click the logo for a link to Linda's Support Programme for ME/Chronic Fatigue &