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Config part 2: completion
Your App will attempt to create a thinking, feeling, seeing, hearing multi-sensory reference point
all things inspiring, happy-making, or likely to contribute to easier healthier living.. A reference point or
map of wellness in its widest sense. This should include a
'jumble' of all kinds of positive reminders to help you to maintain connections to what is, was, or could be,
great in your life. But also narrower focal points to provide more specific direction in the search for
wellness. The
App Audio Guide 'Building a Wellness Map' and 'The importance of a picture of wellness' on the Getting started
explain the background to this. The following questions are designed to
create a useful template for your 'Wellness Map' (your reference point). But do bear in mind, only you really
know your life -
ultimately the version of the Wellness Map you create over time is where the magic happens. Hopefully what we do
with the info below will offer you a useful start - and you are encouraged to suspend any scepticism and go with
But what we do will inevitably feel a little clunky. So don't fight anything that doesn't work for you - where
the choice, opt out (you can also quicky delete any Bubbles which feel too much after the App is configured).
What health looks like
Asking you to identify someone you know of who looks radiantly healthy (and below someone whose voice
strong, calm healthy wellbeing) is intended to act as a focal point for your own wellness. What most strikes
you as looking and sounding healthy in others will, in all probability, reflect those aspects of wellness
which you feel are hardest to find in yourself. As a result, hopefully the people you choose will provide a
useful representation of where you want to head, formed of real human qualities (rather than vague or abstract
goals). In MEMap, a clear example or sense of where you'd like to head is used to shine a light on your situation
as it currently is. Though it may not be obvious at this point, a strong sense of the qualities of people who look
or sound
vibrantly healthy can be a source of subtle or quite powerful clues to help you identify what your own physical or
bodily needs. If there is someone
whose look of health or vitality really speaks to you, adding a photo that illustrates this to your App may work
for you. If this paragraph feels too esoteric for you, consider checking the box to opt out of this question and
the one entitled 'A calm, strong voice'.
Who for you is a vision of abundant glowing health? Name them:
A time and place when everything was fine
Think of an inspiring place where you have strong recollection of being healthy, at ease, content.
MEMap will encourage you to use this place as a key focal point for how being really ok feels - so take a moment
to choose carefully.
Give it a name:
Visualise yourself in that scene/memory. Use the present tense to describe how you are feeling great
and 'centred' and free at this place. Include any details, sounds, smells - the view - which bring this this
memory alive for you:
Ultimate relaxation
What does your deepest most peaceful relaxation feel like? Whether it is during meditation, in the
lying in the garden, being in nature, whatever it is, how do the sensations feel to you? Try to describe the
essence of this relaxed state:
A scene in your future
Once healthy where would you like your life to head? Having been frustrated by health keeping you
from being the
person you want to be, what qualities do you thirst to have? Envisage yourself in the scene where you are
your life purpose. Take a snapshot of a moment of the kind of day which could realistically exist. If this
was a photo, how would others describe the person they see? What kinds of feelings are the person in the snapshot
A day changing perception
A day saver is a tool that you have in your locker which can turn your experience of a day from
worse to better. If you have such tools why not make explicit reminders that they are there to use. For example,
you may once have sat on a hillside and seen your values and priorities in life extremely clearly - a reminder of
how you saw things on the hill may be a day saver which puts any worries, stress, etc into context. Alternatively,
trigger thoughts or coping strategies for dealing with difficult situations, waves of extreme fatigue, moments of
anxiety, etc are natural day savers.
Most people have beliefs or mantras about life or themselves which get lost in the rough and tumble of the day.
Sometimes reminders or affirmations of what you believe save the day when it has strayed far beyond your clear
thinking zone. Some random common examples: 'caring what others think is a recipe for getting in a tangle',
'I can't control the world about me, and it's stressful to try, so going with the flow of the beautiful chaos of
life is a smart move'.
Just as a reminder for you to add these kinds of helpful game-changers to your App later, describe
the most motivational or helpul day saving belief you can think of:
A calm strong voice
Think of a someone who speaks with a calm, attractive voice which projects a lovely solid energy and
health. Someone with the kind
of voice you'd like for yourself. Name them:
What is your 'healthy'
Take a moment to sit or lie down and get a good sense of where you are at. What needs to change for
you to feel good in yourself?
Which physical or mental attributes would you ask your genie to add to make this very moment feel ok? Try not to
be abstract:
try to focus on what goes on with you from top to toe. Stick to positive, intuitive descriptions of the sensations
or qualities which
would replace what feels 'not ok' with something 'ok'. Use the present tense:
An inspiring film
Think of a film that inspires you, takes you to a different place. It may be the panoramic
incredible cities or strong characters - whatever ignites your imagination (though with ME best to avoid
action movies or high octane stuff).
Shoots of recovery or well moments
Some PWME describe a turning point where they start enjoying small episodes of feeling quite nice.
For some the lost
sense of feeling well returns in fleeting moments. This is surely a signal of where more of the same might be
Can this 'okayness' be bottled and developed in some way? Try to complete a sentence or 2 of this sort: My moments
of feeling a bit
ok feel like........ The thing(s) that seem to cause/help this wellbeing is/are... If you have not really
experienced any shoots of recovery, use any nicer moments or sensations you DO
experience (see category no. 19 on the Journey into ME page).
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